Argument for Removing Vending Machines in Schools

December 23, 2021

In the United States, school-aged children’s health has been steadily deteriorating. This loss in health has mostly been defined by an increase in childhood obesity, which increases the risk of not just physical but also psychosocial health difficulties for children.

The majority of students’ poor nutrition and harmful eating habits are to blame for their declining health. Ironically, junk foods, which are responsible for children’s bad diets, are widely available in schools through vending machines that sell chips, sodas, and other meals of little nutritional value. This paper will argue that vending machines that sell sodas, energy drinks, and junk food should be removed from schools in order to protect children’s health.

Argument Against Vending Machines

Obesity in children can be caused by a variety of factors, but one of the most common causes is excessive consumption of unhealthy foods. Vending machines have a reputation for encouraging unhealthy eating because all of the goods and drinks available in vending machines are low in nutritional content, making youngsters obese.

Vending machine products are very popular among students. Dispensing machine foods and drinks are heavy in fats and sugars, both of which are known to contribute to overweight and obesity.

Vending machine supporters may argue that children have the option of not purchasing unhealthy items and instead opting for healthier foods available at school. However, this is unlikely to happen because the junk foods and drinks available at school vending machines are more appealing to pupils. A youngster is unlikely to purchase fruits or vegetables when a soft drink or candy bar is available. As a result, the presence of vending machines tempts pupils to consume unhealthy items.

Excessive body weight is associated with fast eats and junk foods, which has been related to diabetes and deadly illnesses such as strokes. As a result, vending machines might be claimed to disseminate foods and beverages that may be harmful to the consumer. Furthermore, the diseases that can arise as a result of vending machine product consumption result in incre ased medical costs for the country.

Given that the products given by vending machines can be replaced with products that are of a healthier nature, it makes sense to remove these machines that dispense meals and beverages that may cause deadly ailments as well as significant medical bills for the consumer.

Arguments for Vending Machines

Vending machines are not all bad, and they contribute to the school in a beneficial way. Corporate sponsorship for the school where the vending machine is located is obtained through vending machines. Corporate sponsors provide financial support to the school in exchange for the opportunity to advertise and distribute their products to the kids.

This aid could take the shape of constructing or even equipping the school’s library or gym, as well as other school-related projects. As a result of the vending machines being in their school, the school will tremendously profit.

Vending machines also allow some students to get their food at a lower cost. Some kids are unable to afford the costly nutritious food provided in schools. As a result, vending machines give such students a way to stay afloat while staying within their budget. Vending machines may not have a negative impact on students’ health if they go home and eat nutritious foods for their supper and breakfasts, given that they solely eat their lunch and break meals at school.

Discussions and Conclusion

Vending machines are not all bad, and they contribute to the school in a beneficial way. Corporate sponsorship for the school where the vending machine is located is obtained through vending machines. Corporate sponsors provide financial support to the school in exchange for the opportunity to advertise and distribute their products to the kids.

This aid could take the shape of constructing or even equipping the school’s library or gym, as well as other school-related projects. As a result of the vending machines being in their school, the school will tremendously profit.

This paper argues that vending machines that sell soft drinks and sweets should be removed from schools because they put children’s health in danger. This paper has presented many arguments for why vending machines should be outlawed to support this assumption.

To convey a balanced view on the matter, a discussion of the beneficial features of vending machines has also been included. It is clear from this paper that vending machines contribute to a school environment that encourages unhealthy eating behaviors. The only way to remedy this problem is to get rid of the vending machines. While removing vending machines from schools would cost money, the rewards in terms of improved student health will be worth it.

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