Club Sandwich Recipe

December 23, 2022

With this fast and easy recipe, let’s prepare a club sandwich.


  • Eggs 2
  • Shredded chicken 1cup
  • Lemon juice 1tsp
  • Mayonnaise ½ cup
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper ½ tsp
  • White pepper ½ tsp
  • Sandwich bread 6 slices
  • Sliced tomato 1
  • Sliced cucumber 1
  • Cheese 2 slices
  • Butter 4 tbsp
  • Toothpick as required

Put butter on bread and grill it. Make 2 omelets with egg and salt in them. Mix chicken, salt, black pepper, white pepper, lemon juice, and mayonnaise. the spread chicken mixture on bread slice add cheese slice, omelette, cucumber, tomato slice and in last put bread slice and secure it with a toothpick. Cut it in 4 pieces and serve with coleslaw.

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