Food and Stress Relationship


According to psychologists and academics, the sort of food consumed might cause stress in an individual. The purpose of this issue is to look into the validity of this allegation. It is vital to establish whether or not the sort of food consumed can cause stress. Stress and eating are the two variables considered in this study. Eating is an independent variable that occurs in everyone’s life.

The type or quality of food consumed is the dependent variable that causes stress. Scholars have claimed that, while there are other elements that might create stress, such as social and environmental issues, eating is one of the most common. Stress is one of the side consequences of such health issues. The goal of this research is to look into this allegation and come up with a plausible explanation for the link between stress and food. The researcher aspires to provide a full explanation of any possible relationship between the two variables, as well as to dispel any misconceptions about the variables’ relationship.

Literature Review

The association between stress and eating has piqued the curiosity of researchers. It is critical to begin by establishing the two variables that will be used in this investigation. Taylor (2005) defines stress as an emotional state of intense and continuous unhappiness that can be linked to physical injury, biological issues, or social stresses. Food, according to Mosier (2011), is a substance that is consumed in order to satisfy hunger and deliver nutrients to the body.

In many situations, scholars have created hypotheses relating to the two variables. Stress is directly linked to behavioural and cognitive beliefs. Food, on the other hand, has a slew of hypotheses, some of which have yet to be verified experimentally. Organic foods, as opposed to genetically engineered foods, are often believed to be healthier. Another notion claims that a person’s blood type determines how they should eat (Daniel & Yun, 2007). The majority of these dietary hypotheses have not been scientifically confirmed, while others have sparked widespread debate in society. For example, the question of whether genetically modified foods are harmful to the body is still a contentious argument that has yet to be substantiated.

The key studies that the researcher consulted for the literature review were all focused on stress-related components. The results of studies on various types of food and their effects on the body and mind were deemed valuable. The researcher also looked at studies that showed a direct link between diet and stress. These investigations, however, had some drawbacks. Only a few of them talked about the direct link between stress and eating. The majority of them did not make the connection between these two variables. Those that linked the variables were either making flimsy arguments or relying on unproven assumptions. This made employing them in this investigation more difficult. Thaker and Barton’s (2012) study of the diet in the United Arab Emirates suggests that several of the popular meals in Arab society, particularly red meat, may have major health repercussions for individuals.


According to the findings of the research, there is a link between stress and the food that one consumes. The link can be felt instantly, such as when a person has a bloated stomach, or it can have indirect effects that take years to appear. Finally, it is apparent that one of the aspects that should not be overlooked while attempting to control stress is the type of food consumed. Based on the findings of the literature review, the following hypotheses were established.

  • H1. There is a strong link between eating and stress.
  • H2. When consumed in large quantities, food can directly create stress.
  • H3. Some foods, if consumed for an extended period of time, might induce diseases and stress in the person who consumes them.

By gathering and evaluating primary data from the field, the researcher hopes to confirm the following theories.


One of the most crucial steps in the research process is methodology. Choosing an appropriate research strategy not only simplifies the data collection procedure, but it also ensures that the research is of good quality. There were 20 people who took part in this study. Ten of the participants were male, while the remaining ten were female. They were between the ages of 20 and 40. A survey method was used to obtain data. The data was collected from the respondents via questionnaires. Questionnaires were given to all of the participants to complete. There were both closed and open-ended questions on the surveys. Because of the short time available to collect data and the participants’ hectic schedules, this strategy was deemed appropriate.

Reliability and validity

Because the researcher took steps to eliminate any type of bias when sampling the subjects, the data gathered is extremely credible. The data was gathered in the United Arab Emirates, indicating that its validity had been established in the local context. The questionnaires were distributed to the participants who were supposed to reply to the questions as part of the procedure. The researcher then collected the questionnaires from the individuals. The data was analysed statistically with the use of simple mathematical methods.


The results of the primary data sources were mathematically examined, and some of the conclusions based on the three hypotheses are listed below.

There is a close relationship between food and stress.
The answers received from the respondents clearly suggest that eating and stress have a close link. 17 of the 20 participants were convinced that eating and stress are linked in some way. Only three of the twenty participants disagreed. This backed up the original theory.
Food may directly cause stress when taken in excess quantities.
The majority of the participants (14 out of 20) believed that when food is consumed in excess, it can generate stress. Four of the participants disagreed, while two were undecided. On the basis of the majority’s viewpoint, it can be stated that an excessive intake of food might lead to direct stress as a result of gastrointestinal issues. The second hypothesis was proven as a result of this.
Some types of food may cause diseases if taken for a long time which may cause stress to the affected individual.
Finally, 19 of the 20 participants agreed with the final hypothesis, believing that long-term consumption of certain foods can induce diseases, which can lead to stress. There was only one individual who disagreed.


Food can bring stress to an individual either directly or indirectly, as evidenced by the primary and secondary research presented above. When someone eats too much food, for example, they will have stomach discomfort, which will lead to tension. It is also true that certain foods contain high levels of cholesterol. Red meat is popular in the United Arab Emirates, and this cuisine is rich in cholesterol. Consumption of such meals on a regular basis may result in ailments that make a person feel anxious.


A number of flaws were found in this research paper. The time available for study was the first constraint. The study’s underlying data was also restricted to a single country, making it difficult to extrapolate the findings to the entire world’s population.


The findings of this study are predicted to have an impact on UAE inhabitants’ eating habits. They should avoid foods that could cause harm to their bodies.

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