Is that another galaxy? A mysterious spiral spotted in the sky

January 28, 2023
Is that another galaxy?

Is that another galaxy? Web Desk for India Today In the early hours of January 18, the Subaru-Asahi Star Camera noticed a fascinating spiral in the sky. The observatory’s camera at the Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii managed to capture the spiral.

The observatory captured time-lapse footage of the spiral. As it moved and appeared as a dot in the left-hand corner of the camera’s field of vision. The dot soon released an arc-like feature that got gradually larger until it took the shape of a spiral in the sky.

WHAT WAS THE SPIRAL? | Is that another galaxy?

The spiral was caused by a SpaceX launch that put a GPS satellite in orbit for the American Space Force on the same day. Soon later, the spiral shape was discovered by Hawaii’s Subaru Telescope.

“Over Maunakea, Hawaii, the Subaru-Asahi Star Camera caught a bizarre soaring spiral. The launch of a new satellite by the SpaceX firm appears to be connected to the “spiral.” In a tweet, Subaru Observatory stated


The Falcon 9’s top stage, vents out unused fuel throughout its drawn-out descent into the ocean. Is probably what created the space. According to, the spiral pattern of the upper stage was likely caused by it spinning on its largest axis to stabilize flight direction. Similar spirals have been observed following earlier Falcon 9 launches, according to the study.

Every week, on average, SpaceX launches one satellite into low Earth orbit. In 2022, the Elon Musk-run business launched 61 Falcon-9 and Falcon-Heavy rockets.

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