Office 365: A guide to the updates


Find out as soon as Microsoft releases information about new features, bug fixes, and security upgrades for Office 365/Microsoft 365 for Windows. Version 2210 (Build 15726.20174), which was issued on October 27, 2022, has been upgraded.

office 365

Subscribers to Office 365 and Microsoft 365 receive software updates more frequently than those who buy Office outright, giving them access to the most recent features, security updates, and bug fixes. However, it can be challenging to stay on top of the changes in each update. Be aware of when they’re accessible. You don’t have to do this; we will take care of it for you.

The updates to Office 365/Microsoft 365 for Windows are summarised below, with the most recent updates being displayed first. As changes are released, we’ll update this page with information.

The changes covered in this article are those made available to normal Office 365/Microsoft 365 for Windows subscribers. Visit Microsoft’s “Release notes for Office for Windows Desktop (Beta builds)” website. If you’re a subscriber to the company’s Office Insider preview program or want to learn more about upcoming features.

Version 2210 (Build 15726.20174)

Release date: October 27, 2022

This version enables you to connect Excel’s dynamic array calculations, which might yield results of varying lengths, to charts. Instead of being restricted to a particular number of data points. The chart will automatically update to catch all data when the array recalculates. Within Teams, the build also enables the creation of e-signature approvals with signature fields.

It fixes a number of flaws, including one in PowerPoint that prevented links from updating when the referenced file was already open and another in Outlook that led to emails getting stuck in the outbox for some profiles with multiple Exchange accounts enabled.

Version 2209 (Build 15629.20208)

Release date: October 11, 2022

This build resolves a number of bugs, including one in Outlook that caused emails for some profiles with multiple Exchange accounts configured to become trapped in the outbox and another in Excel where some items could have stopped working and not appeared correctly after zooming with a touchpad.

Additionally, it closes several security gaps in Word and the full Office package.

What IT should know: Since this is a security update, it should be installed as soon as possible. Check for complaints of troublesome situations over the coming weeks. And if everything seems to be in order, install the update.

Version 2209 (Build 15629.20156)

Release date: September 26, 2022

This update brings a number of new features to Teams, including the ability for meeting hosts to allocate seats to attendees in Together Mode. The option for users to automatically display up to 49 movies (7×7) on their screen.


Additionally, it resolves a number of problems, including one that caused Outlook to crash right after a boot and another that led users to suffer an unexpected close while switching views in the calendar module.

Version 2208 (Build 15601.20148)

Release date: September 13, 2022

This build resolves a number of bugs, including one in Outlook that prevented the Customization Quick Access Toolbar file (.exportedUI) from being imported when the streamlined Ribbon is in use and one throughout the entire Office suite that interfered with Color Picker text selection scenarios when Shapes and SmartArt were present.

Additionally, it closes several security gaps in PowerPoint and Visio.

What IT should know: Since this is a security update, it should be installed as soon as possible. Check for complaints of troublesome situations over the coming weeks. If everything seems to be in order, install the update.

Version 2207 (Build 15427.20210)

Release date: August 9, 2022

This update fixes an issue that occasionally caused Outlook to crash after being opened.

Additionally, it closes several security gaps in Excel, Outlook, and the full Office package.

What IT should know: Since this is a security update, it should be installed as soon as possible. Check for complaints of troublesome situations over the coming weeks, If everything seems to be in order, install the update.

Version 2207 (Build 15427.20194)

Release date: August 3, 2022

On devices with limited resources, this update improves Excel recalculation. Excel now by default makes recalculation more advantageous by conducting computations on a single thread on resource-constrained systems (two cores or fewer and eight gigabytes of RAM or less).

Additionally, Outlook now has a function called recommended replies that give you three options for responses to simple communications. Word facilitates voice dictation.

Additionally, a number of problems were resolved, including one in Word where “paste as link” did not always update itself and another in Excel where cell references in charts were appearing erroneously.

Version 2206 (Build 15330.20246)

Release date: July 18, 2022

This build resolves an issue in Access that could cause users to get the error message “Requested type library or wizard is not a VBA project” while opening an ACCDE/MDE file. To learn more, click here.

Version 2206 (Build 15330.20246)

Release date: July 12, 2022

This version fixes an issue that caused Excel to shut down unexpectedly while working with typefaces.

Additionally, it resolves vulnerabilities for the complete Office suite’s Windows Graphics Component Information Disclosure Vulnerability and Microsoft Office Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability.

What IT should know: Since this is a security update, it should be installed as soon as possible. Check for complaints of troublesome situations over the coming weeks, and if everything seems to be in order, install the update.


Version 2206 (Build 15330.20230)

Release date: July 6, 2022

This build fixes a number of bugs, including ones that caused OneNote to crash, caused Excel to crash when displaying a live preview of a chart, prevented users from adding room mailboxes to Outlook’s calendar, and caused nested fields in headers in Word to appear erroneously while scrolling.

Version 2206 (Build 15330.20196)

Release date: June 29, 2022

The ability to rapidly copy data from the status bar, including data from aggregations like “Sum,” “Average,” and “Count,” is one of the new Excel features that this version brings. Additionally, by accelerating the AutoFilter tool in Excel, you may find data more quickly. You can now link comments in PowerPoint to particular text segments.

The build also corrects a wide range of bugs, such as one in Word where nested fields in headers displayed incorrectly while scrolling and one in Excel where shared workbooks in the.xls format improperly merged changes. Other bugs include one in Outlook where users were unable to add room mailboxes to the calendar.

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