The Most Unique plant based diet food list

July 23, 2022

Additionally, plant based diet food list are unquestionably beneficial. According to research, eating a plant-based diet may help with illnesses including diabetes and cardiovascular disease as well as cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight.

plant based diet food list

It is simple to fall into a weekly habit of consuming the same fruits, vegetables, and grains. There are some foods that look unusual or unfamiliar when you look past the typical and well-known fruits, vegetables, and other plant foods.

It may be tempting to forego these novel dishes in favor of more conventional ones. However, including those attempting to consume more plant-based foods or those who follow a vegetarian diet, there are advantages to incorporating these distinctive items on any grocery list.

Are you prepared to overcome your fear of consuming novel and foreign plant foods? Continue reading to learn how and why these special plant-based foods can be quickly included in a plant-based diet.

15 Foods that Need to be Added to a plant based diet food list

It’s not necessary to steer clear of these plant-based meals with more unusual names or appearances. They are a delightful and unique addition to any plant-based diet and are packed with beneficial elements.

1. Jackfruit

plant based diet food list

Jackfruit is becoming more and more popular around the world, and you can now get it at many bigger grocery stores. South Asian in origin, jackfruit was once so widely available that thousands of pounds of the fruit went to waste annually.

When compared to other fruits, jackfruit is unusually huge and has a prickly, green shell, making it difficult to miss. Because the inside flesh has a “meaty” texture, it is frequently substituted for meat in whole-food, plant-based recipes. For instance, jackfruit can be used in tacos, curries, and as a substitute for pulled pork.

Products made from jackfruit are becoming more prevalent as consumer demand rises. You can also buy canned or frozen jackfruit.

2. Banana Blossom

plant based diet food list

Banana flowers are found at the end of a bunch of bananas and feature a purple outer coating. The banana blossom, a native of Southeast Asia and a plant-based meat substitute that is gaining popularity, is similar to jackfruit.

Banana blossom can be used more frequently as a seafood substitute than jackfruit, which is typically used to replace beef, hog, or chicken. When cooked, the “flesh” of the banana bloom might flake, much like fish. Banana blossoms are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals from a nutritional standpoint.

Finely slicing banana flowers and tossing them into fruit or green salads, stir-fries, or other cooked dishes are the simplest ways to include them in meals. While it is difficult to get fresh banana flowers outside of Southeast Asia, some stores sell canned or brine-preserved banana blossoms, which are more widely available and used for both cooking and eating.

3. Breadfruit

Originating in the South Pacific, breadfruit belongs to the same family as jackfruit. Because it is highly starchy, breadfruit should not be consumed fresh, according to Britannica.

It can be roasted, baked, boiled, fried, or dried and turned into flour, just like a potato. There are items made using breadfruit flour as well as snacks like chips.

4. Plantains

Even though most people are probably familiar with what plantain is and how it looks, cooking with it can be challenging. Plantains resemble bananas in appearance, but they can’t be eaten fresh; they must be cooked.

Why would you include plantains in a plant-based diet? In addition to being delicious, plantains are beneficial for heart and intestinal health. Potassium, magnesium, prebiotic fiber, and vitamin C are all abundant in plantains.

Similar to potatoes, plantains can be fried, but the healthiest ways to prepare them are to boil or roast them. In most recipes for soups, side dishes, and air fryer fried foods, they can frequently be used as a substitute for potatoes. Similar to overripe bananas, yellow to brown plantains can be used in baking dishes.

5. Jicama: Plant-based diet food list

Jicama is a small, spherical, brownish root vegetable. It is appealing to practically everyone due to its slight sweetness and crunchy texture.

Jicama is simple to use in many recipes and can be eaten raw after being peeled. It can be chopped up and eaten in salads or with dips.

6. Kohlrabi: Plant-based diet food list

Fall is the time of year when kohlrabi is in season at numerous farmer’s markets around the nation. The vegetable has slender branches and leaves emerging from a larger, greener root bulb that can be a touch intimidating. While the leaves and stems can be cooked in olive oil and eaten, the outer layer of the bulb should be removed.

The root can be roasted with olive oil and preferred seasonings, just like other root vegetables, once it has been peeled. For a crisp, slightly sweet complement to salads or slaw dishes, the bulb can also be eaten raw.

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7. Buddha’s Hand

Buddha’s hand physically resembles a hand with finger-like extensions, so it’s easy to see how it earned its name. Buddha’s hand tastes quite citrusy. The peel of this citrus fruit is not bitter, but rather delicious.

For a pleasant citrus flavor, the finger-like projections can be shaved, grated, or zested onto salads, yogurt, oats, or smoothies. It can also improve the antioxidant and nutritional content of any fruit preparation.

8. Baobab Fruit

A huge, dark, oval fruit called a baobab is indigenous to Africa. Almost every component of the baobab tree, including the roots, bark, leaves, seeds, flowers, and fruit, can be used in food or medicine in some way. In fact, it’s said that local cultures use the baobab tree’s various parts in 300 distinct ways!

Baobab powder is simple to obtain online or in most health stores, however, fresh baobab is difficult to find. Fruit is dried and ground into powder to make baobab powder. Baobab powder can be used to improve the antioxidant, fiber, and mineral content of foods including yogurt, oatmeal, and beverages.

9. Fiddleheads

Fiddlehead ferns are unusual because they are curled-up green vegetables. Although they are frequently used in both French and Asian cuisine, they are still uncommon in other parts of the world. They typically become more widely accessible in the spring and taste like grass, rather like asparagus.

Minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants are all abundant in fiddleheads. Fiddleheads can simply be roasted, steamed, cooked with garlic and lemon, or served with a vinaigrette but should not be consumed raw.

10. Kumquat

The kumquat is a distinctive, tiny, citrus-flavored fruit that has both sweet and sour tones on the inside as well as an edible peel. Kumquats make a delightful raw snack, but you can also use them in desserts, jams, and jellies, sauces, and marinades to add them to a plant-based diet.

Although kumquats are only in season during the winter, some specialty or big-box supermarket stores may carry them at other times of the year.

11. Freekeh

Make use of the whole grain freekeh as a substitute for traditional grains like rice, couscous, quinoa, or bulgur. Freekeh is a traditional ingredient in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines if you haven’t heard of it. Similar to bulgur, freekeh can be used “whole” or cracked; however, cracked freekeh requires less time to cook.

When grain is still young and green, freekeh is gathered. Then it is roasted, giving it a distinctive, smokey flavor.

Freekeh is regarded as a grain with a distinct flavor that is also strong in fiber and low in glycemic index. Furthermore, it is a rich source of plant-based protein, which is crucial if you are avoiding animal products or strictly following a vegan diet. You can use freekeh in recipes that call for other whole grains.

12. Kamut: Plant based diet food list

Kamut is regarded as a grain that has less gluten than other grains, but not being completely gluten-free. As a result, individuals with minor gluten intolerances could find it bearable. Kamut should be included on a list of plant-based foods because it is not only lower in gluten but also a rich source of iron and fiber.

The grain size of Kamut is bigger and more comparable to farro or wheat berries. Kamut can therefore go nicely with stews or salads.

13. Teff: Plant based diet food list

Teff is another interesting whole grain to try that is indigenous to Ethiopia. It is thought to be the tiniest grain in existence.

Despite its diminutive size, it offers significant nutritional advantages due to its high levels of iron, fiber, protein, calcium, magnesium, and manganese. It is also grain-free of gluten.

Teff’s popularity is rising, and it might soon reach the same level as quinoa’s. Teff flour, which may be used for pancakes, baked products, polenta-like foods, and bread, is another application with significant nutritional advantages.

14. Tiger Nut Flour

Tiger nut, also known as nut grass, yellow nutsedge, tiger nutsedge, edible galingale, water grass, and earth almond, is a type of root vegetable. People with nut allergies can eat it because it isn’t a real nut. In actuality, low-carb, gluten-free, and paleo diets all use tiger nut flour in addition to plant-based diets.

The root vegetable is roasted and then ground into flour to make tiger nut flour. For desserts or baked items, the flour can be used in the same way as other gluten-free flours like almond or coconut flour.

15. Ground Cherries

Although they might not be available in supermarkets, ground cherries, also known as husk cherries or winter cherries, can be found in local gardens or at farmer’s markets. They get their name because they drop to the ground when they are ripe.

The taste and texture of ground cherries are similar to those of cherry tomatoes. Similar to tomatillos, the whole fruit can be consumed after removing the outer, paper-like hull.

They taste great on top of ice cream or as a sweet, standalone snack. Additionally, according to Smithsonian Magazine, they can be combined with cherry tomatoes and basil or added to salads.

Summary: plant based diet food list

These 15 distinctive plant foods should be included on the list, despite the temptation to select the same plant-based foods at the market or grocery store. Despite their unusual appearance or threatening tone, these items can be readily added to salads, stews, stir-fries, or as standalone snacks.

These plant-based foods will enhance the diet’s healthy elements in addition to adding a new flavor!

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