11 Health Benefits of Ginger Use

Ginger benefits

Powerful Medicinal Properties, Morning Sickness, Weight Loss, Heart Disease, Prevent Cancer

1. Contains gingerol, powerful medicinal properties

Ginger has a very long history of use in both conventional and complementary therapies. A few of its uses include helping with digestion, easing motion sickness, and fighting the flu and common cold.

The natural oils in ginger, of which gingerol is the most significant, are what give it its distinct aroma and flavour.

The primary bioactive ingredient in ginger is gingerol. It is largely to blame for ginger’s therapeutic qualities.

Research has shown that gingerol has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. For instance, it might assist in lowering oxidative stress.

2. Treat many forms of nausea, especially morning sickness

A study of 12 trials involving a total of 1,278 pregnant women found that 1.1-1.5 grammes of ginger can considerably lessen nausea symptoms.

But one study found that ginger had no impact on instances of vomiting (8Trusted Source).

Even though ginger is generally regarded as safe, if you’re pregnant, see your doctor before ingesting significant amounts.

Ginger is advised to be avoided by pregnant women who are on the verge of labour or who have experienced miscarriages. Ginger is not recommended if you have a history of vaginal bleeding or clotting issues.

3. Help with weight loss

A study of 12 trials involving a total of 1,278 pregnant women found that 1.1-1.5 grammes of ginger can considerably lessen nausea symptoms.

But one study found that ginger had no impact on instances of vomiting (8Trusted Source).

Even though ginger is generally regarded as safe, if you’re pregnant, see your doctor before ingesting significant amounts.

Ginger is advised to be avoided by pregnant women who are on the verge of labour or who have experienced miscarriages. Ginger is not recommended if you have a history of vaginal bleeding or clotting issues.

4. Help with osteoarthritis

A study of 12 trials involving a total of 1,278 pregnant women found that 1.1-1.5 grammes of ginger can considerably lessen nausea symptoms.

In a 2016 study of 80 obese women, it was discovered that ginger may also help lower blood insulin levels and body mass index (BMI). Obesity and high blood insulin levels are linked.

According to one literature review, persons who used ginger to treat their OA experienced notable decreases in pain and impairment (17).

There were only a few minor negative effects, such a dislike of the flavour of ginger. However, stomach discomfort and the taste of ginger still led to the withdrawal of roughly 22% of the study subjects.

Each participant in the study got 500 mg to 1 gramme of ginger.

5. Drastically lower blood sugars, improve heart disease

Additionally, haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), a measure of long-term blood sugar levels, saw a significant improvement. In a 12-week period, HbA1c was lowered by 10%.

Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoprotein A-I ratio decreased by 28%, while malondialdehyde (MDA), an oxidative stress consequence, decreased by 23%. High MDA levels and a high ApoB/ApoA-I ratio are both significant risk factors for heart disease (19Trusted Source).

But remember that this was just one little study. Although the results are quite promising, they must first be verified in more extensive research before any suggestions can be made.

A 2019 literature analysis also found that ginger dramatically lowered HbA1c in persons with type 2 diabetes, which is somewhat hopeful news. But it also discovered

6. Treat chronic indigestion

In a small research conducted in 2011, people with functional dyspepsia—indigestion without a known cause—were given ginger capsules or a placebo. They were all served soup an hour later.

The time it took for the stomach to empty in those who got ginger was 12.3 minutes. 16.1 minutes were needed for individuals who received the placebo (22Trusted Source).

These outcomes have also been noted in individuals who do not suffer dyspepsia. 24 healthy participants received either ginger capsules or a placebo in a study conducted by several members of the same research team in 2008. After an hour, soup was served to everyone.

When ginger was consumed instead of a placebo, the stomach’s emptying process was noticeably sped up. For those who received ginger, it took 13.1 minutes, while it took 26.7 minutes for those who

7. Significantly reduce menstrual pain

For the first three days of their menstrual cycle, 150 women were told to take either ginger or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in a 2009 study.

The three groups each got four doses per day of either ibuprofen (500 mg), mefenamic acid (250 mg), or ginger powder (250 mg) (400 mg). Ginger was able to lessen discomfort just as well as the two NSAIDs (24Trusted Source).

More recent trials have also found that ginger is just as effective as medications like mefenamic acid and acetaminophen/caffeine/ibuprofen (Novafen), and it is more effective than a placebo (25, 26, 27Trusted Source).

Although these results are encouraging, more thorough research involving bigger study populations is still required.

8. Lower cholesterol levels

In a 2018 trial of 60 hyperlipidemic participants, the 30 who got 5 grammes of ginger pasted powder daily reported a reduction in their LDL (bad) cholesterol levels of 17.4% over the course of three months (28).

Many participants in an OA research receiving doses of 500 mg-1 gramme of ginger discontinued the study due to complaints of an unpleasant aftertaste (17).

The doses used in the investigation of hyperlipidemia are five to ten times greater. The majority of people may find it challenging to maintain a 5-gram dose for long enough to see results (28).

In a previous study from 2008, patients who took 3 grammes of ginger powder (in the form of capsules) daily likewise experienced significant drops in the majority of cholesterol indicators. Their LDL cholesterol, which is terrible

9. Substance that may help to prevent cancer

The substance gingerol, which is abundant in raw ginger, is thought to have the anti-cancer capabilities. The [6]-gingerol kind is thought to be very potent (31Trusted Source, 32).

2 grammes of ginger extract per day significantly decreased pro-inflammatory signalling molecules in the colon in a 28-day study of people at normal risk for colorectal cancer (33).

However, a subsequent investigation on those with a high risk of developing colorectal cancer didn’t yield the same outcomes (34Trusted Source).

Ginger may be useful in treating other gastrointestinal malignancies such pancreatic cancer and liver cancer, according to some, albeit scant, evidence.

10. Improve brain function and protect against Alzheimer’s disease

Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress both hasten the ageing process.

They are thought to be one of the primary causes of Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline.

According to some animal research, ginger’s bioactive components and antioxidants may be able to reduce brain inflammation (39Trusted Source).

There is some proof that ginger can directly improve brain function. Daily doses of ginger extract were found to enhance working memory and response time in a 2012 research of healthy middle-aged women.

11. Help to fight infections

Infection risk can be reduced with gingerol.

In fact, ginger extract can stop a variety of bacteria from growing (44Trusted Source, 45Trusted Source).

It is particularly efficient against the oral germs linked to gingivitis and periodontitis, according to a 2008 study. These two gum conditions are both inflammatory (46Trusted Source).

The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a major cause of respiratory infections, may also be successfully treated with fresh ginger.

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