Flat White


Flat White Coffee

The flat white, a beloved coffee beverage originating from Australia and New Zealand, has gained immense popularity worldwide for its rich flavor and velvety texture. It’s a favorite among coffee enthusiasts who prefer a balance of bold espresso and creamy milk in their cup.

Origin of Flat White Coffee

The exact origin of the flat white coffee is a topic of debate, with both Australia and New Zealand claiming its invention. However, it’s generally agreed that flat white emerged in the coffee culture of these two countries in the 1980s or earlier.

Ingredients Required

To make a delicious flat white at home, you’ll need high-quality coffee beans and fresh milk.

1. Coffee

Choose espresso beans for a strong and flavorful base. Opt for a medium to dark roast to ensure a rich and robust taste profile.

2. Milk

Whole milk is traditionally used for a creamy texture and smooth mouthfeel. However, you can also use alternatives like almond milk or oat milk for a dairy-free option.

Equipment Needed

To achieve the perfect flat white, you’ll need a few essential tools.

1. Espresso Machine

An espresso machine is crucial for brewing a strong shot of espresso, which forms the foundation of a flat white.

2. Milk Frother

A milk frother is necessary for creating velvety microfoam, a key characteristic of a well-made flat white.

Steps to Make Flat White

Now, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of crafting a delicious flat white at home.

1. Brewing Espresso

Begin by grinding your coffee beans to a fine consistency. Use your espresso machine to brew a double shot of espresso into a preheated cup.

2. Frothing Milk

While your espresso is brewing, froth your milk using a milk frother or steam wand. Aim for silky microfoam with a velvety texture.

3. Pouring the Milk

Once your milk is frothed to perfection, gently pour it over the espresso in your cup. Use a circular motion to incorporate the milk and create a beautiful marbled pattern on the surface.

Tips for Perfect Flat White

  • Use freshly ground coffee beans for the best flavor.
  • Preheat your cup to maintain the optimal temperature of your drink.
  • Practice steaming milk to achieve the ideal texture for microfoam.
  • Experiment with different milk alternatives to suit your taste preferences.
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Variations and Additions

Get creative with your flat white by adding flavored syrups, spices, or toppings like chocolate shavings or cinnamon dust.

Serving and Presentation

Serve your flat white in a preheated ceramic cup or glassware for an elegant presentation. Garnish with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or a latte art design for an extra touch of sophistication.

Health Benefits of Flat White

While indulging in a flat white is a delightful experience, it also offers some potential health benefits. The combination of coffee and milk provides essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and antioxidants. Additionally, moderate coffee consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of certain health conditions, including type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.


Mastering the art of making a flat white at home allows you to enjoy this beloved coffee beverage anytime, anywhere. With the perfect blend of rich espresso and velvety milk, you can treat yourself to a cafĂ©-quality experience without ever leaving your kitchen. By following the simple steps outlined above and experimenting with different variations, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a flat-white aficionado.


What’s the difference between a flat white and a latte?

While both flat whites and lattes contain espresso and milk, the key difference lies in the ratio of coffee to milk and the texture of the milk. A flat white has a higher coffee-to-milk ratio and features velvety microfoam, resulting in a bolder flavor and smoother mouthfeel compared to a latte.

Can I make a flat white without an espresso machine?

While an espresso machine is preferred for making authentic flat whites, you can still recreate a simil ar drink using strong brewed coffee or concentrated espresso shots combined with frothed milk. However, the taste and texture may vary slightly from a traditional flat white.


Is flat white stronger than regular coffee?

Flat white is typically stronger in flavor than regular coffee due to its concentrated espresso base. However, the overall caffeine content may vary depending on factors such as the type of coffee beans used and the size of the drink.

Can I use non-dairy milk to make a flat white?

Yes, you can use non-dairy milk alternatives like almond milk, oat milk, or soy milk to make a dairy-free flat white. Keep in mind that different types of milk may produce varying textures and flavors, so experimentation is key to finding your preferred combination.

How do I achieve the perfect foam for my flat white?

To achieve the perfect foam for your flat white, start by using cold milk and a clean frothing pitcher. Position the steam wand just below the surface of the milk and angle it slightly off-center to create a whirlpool effect. Keep steaming until the milk reaches a smooth, velvety consistency, taking care not to overheat or create large bubbles. Practice and patience are key to mastering the art of milk frothing.

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