Healthy and Nutritious Food for Young Children
Formula feeding for infants is now produced by a wide range of manufacturers and businesses. There are also many questions about these products’ ability to deliver healthful and nutritious meals to young children who may not have regular access to breast milk (due to health issues of their mothers or other possible problems). It is vital to perform an adequate study to determine whether or not such an approach to infant feeding is good for their bodies and physical development. The purpose of this study is to create an evidence-based practice proposal on the impact of formula feeding on infant health when compared to breast milk.
Solution Impact
Selected Change Model Application
The research conducted to support or contradict the hypothesis stated above will yield varied outcomes that may be used in the future to increase public awareness of various formula-feeding techniques and products. The following is a list of all the steps in the specified change mode:
- The first phase entails using the results obtained at the conclusion of the research to train and educate parents (particularly mothers of newborns) on the topic of breastfeeding (Asgarshirazi, Shariat, Nayeri, Dalili, & Abdollahi, 2017). The audience will be able to gain specialised knowledge that will aid in the physical development of these persons’ children in the future. They will have sufficient educational foundation (based on reliable comments from professional nurses) to ensure the health of their younger family members.
- Another phase in this change model is to present specific information to other scholars who may be working on formula feeding studies and its benefits to infant health in comparison to natural breast milk. These individuals will conduct their professional studies in light of the findings and conclusions of the aforementioned study.
Results Evaluation
The following portion of the article explains in detail how the findings of this evidence-based practice project will be assessed for their potential to advance nursing practice in the chosen MSN (Master of Science in Nursing) specialty track. The obtained information is useful in the profession of gastroenterology since it provides a comprehension of the special needs that the human digestion system presents in infancy (Li, Yan, Yang, & Han, 2017). This information may also be important for nurses in the above-mentioned specialty track, as they get valuable expertise in the process of children’s treatment, particularly in terms of the foods and goods that these patients are allowed to take without harming their health or immune systems.
It’s important to note that formula-feeding products come in a variety of shapes and sizes. As a result, evaluating their ingredients is critical in recommending healthy meals to infants’ moms. As a result, a gastroenterology professional nurse must know what ingredients can be used to replace all of the vital components and calories found in breast milk.
Outcome Measures
This portion of the proposal will define outcome measures that could be used to assess the ongoing success of the evidence-based practice project that has been addressed. It is vital to assess the study’s results in order to assert that the research indicated above is credible and valuable to the future growth of the formula feeding topic (Martin, Ling, & Blackburn, 2016). The points below will list all of the requirements that must be met in order to achieve this goal:
- In critical conditions, several formula feeding products can replace breast milk, according to the first indicated outcome. Unfortunately, some mothers struggle to provide a nutritious dinner for their children. As a result, having another alternative in such situations is advantageous. Otherwise, an infant’s health could be jeopardised due to a lack of vitamins and other nutrients.