Platelets increase food | How To Increase Platelet Count Naturally

Platelets increase food

Platelets increase food intake, Multiple types of cells, each with a particular function, can be found in human blood. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are among the cells. In the case that we cut ourselves or have any other bleeding, platelets are the cells that aid in the blood clotting process.

It is critical for us to maintain good physical health in order for the platelets to work normally. However, under certain circumstances, the platelet count can drop sharply, which can be detrimental to general health. Low platelet counts can cause catastrophic bleeding inside the gut or around the brain, in addition to minor bleeding from microscopic cuts and bruises.

It is crucial to understand how to raise platelet count either naturally or with medicine. In this post, we’ll take a quick look at some natural ways to raise your blood platelet counts under different clinical circumstances.

The Platelets: Platelets increase food

Platelets are simply the cells that cause blood to clot. Platelets band together and adhere to one another in an effort to patch any damage to the lining of blood vessels. In a typical blood sample, there are 1.5 to 4 lac platelets per microliter. Thrombocytopenia is defined as a number less than 1.5 lac and thrombocytosis is a number larger than 4 lac.

Amazingly, platelets have a shape. Small plates are how platelets are structured when they are dormant. However, they alter their shape to become sticky and can stop any bleeding wherever it occurs when they are activated by signals sent by blood vessel damage.

Just to be clear, excessive activation of these platelets is one of the factors that contribute to heart attacks. The platelets congregate to create a mass known as a thrombus, which is made up of platelets and other materials when the blood arteries in the heart are damaged. This thrombus fully blocks a blood vessel, which increases the risk of a heart attack. Medication that lowers platelet activation and stops them from clumping together is used as a treatment for such patients. Aspirin, clopidogrel, prasugrel, and ticagrelor are some of the antiplatelet medicines that fall under this category.

Read More about Platelets increase food

The platelet counts, however, might occasionally drop considerably. This condition, known as thrombocytopenia, is compounded by bleeding from places like the stomach, colon, and even the area around the brain. Viral fevers, dengue fever, certain bone marrow illnesses including leukaemia or lymphoma, chemotherapy treatments used to treat cancer, specific medications, excessive alcohol intake, and other disorders can all cause low platelet counts. Therefore, it’s crucial to use natural methods to raise the platelet count.

Here are the measurements for various blood platelet concentrations. By counting the number of platelets present in a microliter of blood, or L, platelets are quantified.

How COVID Can Affect Platelet Count:

Previous research has shown that feelings of weariness and fatigue are a sign that your platelet count has decreased. Blood platelet counts decrease as a result of viral infections, and as Covid is also a severe kind of viral infection. The platelet count decline may be an early sign of Covid-19. Those with a severe case of Corona had a considerably lower average platelet count than those with a lesser illness, according to a meta-analysis of a group of covid patients.

It has been discovered that platelets act as a defence mechanism against the virus’s inflammatory and contagious effects. By avoiding microbial infections, they integrate thrombotic and immune actions. Through their receptors, blood platelets interact directly with viruses and engulf aggregating pathogens and microbes. Additionally, they support endothelial protection and leukocyte aggregate formation. However, depending on the virus’s severity, platelet clearance may result from the formation of platelet antibodies.

It is strongly encouraged not to disregard signs of weariness, fatigue, or shortness of breath. Because so many people are unaware of these symptoms, many cases of COVID-19 worsen. Low platelet counts are referred to as thrombocytopenia. Blood clotting and the formation of plugs in broken blood vessels depend on blood platelets. In a healthy person, the average platelet count ranges from 1.5 to 4.5 lakhs. A reduction in platelets to 85,000 is caused by mild covid. When covid infection is severe, blood platelets can fall to 20,000 or less, making the condition potentially fatal. Numerous lives can be saved by early diagnosis and detection.


How to Increase Platelet Count:

Increasing platelet count alone by food and exercise is fairly challenging. In order to restore normal platelet counts, certain illnesses like viral fever and dengue fever occasionally call for the intravenous administration of a platelet transfusion.

That said, the list of foods below should be somewhat helpful if you’re looking for a natural way to raise platelet counts.

1- Milk | Platelets increase food

We are all aware that milk is a good source of calcium and protein and that it helps keep our bones and muscles strong. What’s even more intriguing is that milk contains vitamin K, which is crucial for our body’s blood clotting system. Additionally, it is thought that routine milk consumption may help to increase total blood platelet counts. So, if you’re looking for natural ways to raise platelets, make sure to drink milk frequently.

2- Green Leafy Vegetables:

Green leafy vegetables are a good source of vitamin K, which is important for the blood-clotting process as I’ve already discussed. However, they also have the ability to somewhat raise platelet counts. Other vegetables, such as asparagus, cabbage, and watercress. As well as parsley, basil, spinach, and celery, are also helpful in raising platelet count.

3- Papaya Leaf Extract:

The most popular treatment for low platelet counts is definitely this one. Regularly taking a glass or two of papaya leaf extract can help you raise your platelet count if you have dengue fever. Although it is unclear exactly how this works, clinical studies have shown that papaya leaf extract significantly raises platelet counts in patients with viral fever.

However, papaya leaf juice can occasionally be quite bitter, causing some people to feel queasy or even vomit. In such a circumstance, oral medication in the shape of capsules that has the exact amount of extract required to enhance platelet counts is now offered in India.

4- Pomegranate

Pomegranate seeds are rich in iron and can significantly raise blood levels. Pomegranates are now recommended as a fruit that must be frequently ingested if platelet levels need to be raised. If you’re looking for a way to boost your platelet count while suffering from malaria, consider eating a bowl of pomegranate fruit a few times per day. Pomegranate also contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamin C, which can help strengthen immunity and effectively fight infections.

5- Pumpkin

Another meal with a remarkable ability to raise platelet count is pumpkin. This is due to the fact that it includes vitamin A, which may help increase the number of platelets the bone marrow produces.

various vitamins Rich vegetables like kale, carrots, and sweet potatoes are also advantageous. You might want to discuss boosting your intake of these foods with your doctor. If you’re trying to figure out how to boost your platelet count while pregnant.

6- Wheatgrass

High quantities of chlorophyll, which physically resembles the haemoglobin in human blood, are present in wheatgrass. It offers additional advantages, such as increasing the total number of red blood cells and white blood cells in the blood, in addition to being particularly helpful for increasing platelet count. If you’re seeking a way to boost your platelet count while receiving chemotherapy, freshly produced wheatgrass juice can be quite helpful.


Low platelet counts can raise red flags. If you’re looking for a natural way to raise your platelet count, give these foods a try occasionally. To find out the root of the issue, you may want to speak with a haematologist (a blood specialist) if there is a medical reason for the low platelet count.

Nutrients that can Increase Platelet Count: Platelets increase food

1- Vitamin B-12

A vital vitamin that maintains the health of the blood cells is vitamin B12. Low platelet counts might result from a vitamin B12 deficiency. Seafood, liver, and other animal proteins are good sources of this vitamin.

2- Iron

A crucial nutrient that aids in the body’s formation of red blood cells is iron. Low platelets and low haemoglobin are also connected with iron deficiency and can result in anaemia, a condition that affects the blood. Leafy vegetables like spinach, lentils, pumpkin seeds, raw bananas, and guava are examples of foods high in iron.

3- Folates | Platelets increase food

Folates are a subclass of vitamin B. This nutrient, also known as folic acid, benefits all types of cells in the body, including red blood cells. Nuts, oranges, kidney beans, lentils, and other foods are excellent sources of folates.

4- Vitamin C

Vitamin C is closely related to the level of platelets in your body. It is essential to improve and maintain the immunity of your body. Vitamin C helps you absorb iron efficiently and increase your platelet count. Great sources of Vitamin C are lemons, lime, oranges, pineapples, etc.

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