Apple Cake Calories 1 Slice

Apple Cake

Do you enjoy dessert but despise the calories? Then try this low-calorie Apple Cake, which is simple to cook and even simpler to monitor calories. Just make sure you don’t eat the whole thing!

Let me just say that I had no idea a Cinnamon Apple Cake could be so delicious. I made a lot of cakes to get this recipe just right, and I was ecstatic when I finally found the winning recipe.

I was fist-pumping the air after just one bite of this delicate and fluffy beauty. After a string of botched Apple Cinnamon Cakes, I knew this was the one. Of course, just to be sure, I had to have a few more slices.

Can we take a moment to speak about how apple and cinnamon are a combination made in heaven? My new favorite is this wonderfully soft Cinnamon Apple Cake.



makes: 12 slices

Calories per slice: 173

Ingredients For Apple Cake

  • 15g low fat margarine(butter type)
  • 120g apple bites
  • 100g soft brown sugar
  • 4 tsp ground cinnamon(darchini)
  • 1 tsp mixed spice(grm msala)
  • 150g self raising flour( is a combination of all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 100ml olive oil
  • 2 medium eggs


Preheat oven to 190°C / Gas Mark 5 / 375°F

  • Grease and line a 2lb loaf tin with low-fat margarine.
  • Mix the apples with the sugarcinnamon(darchini) and mixed spice(grm msala). Sieve the flour and baking powder into a large bowl and make a well in the centre. Add the olive oileggs and apple mix and use a hand whisk to beat everything together.
  • Scoop the mixture into the preprepared tin and bake for 40 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean.

Nutrition information per slice

  • Calories (kcal) 173
  • Carbohydrate (g) 19.4
  • Fat (g) 9.5
  • Protein (g) 2.5
  • Fibre (g) 0.3
  • Alcohol (g) 0.0

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