Bread Pudding


I double this recipe and bake it in a 9×13-inch dish because my family enjoys bread pudding. This simple recipe may be eaten for breakfast or dessert with milk poured over the top or a scoop of vanilla ice cream and is made using common pantry staples and some day-old bread (try a rich egg bread or a moist white loaf).

Bread Pudding

Prep Time:
15 mins


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Cook Time:
45 mins

1 8-inch square pan

Total Time:
1 hr

Every home cook requires a go-to recipe for bread pudding. This classic recipe just requires a few simple ingredients and is rich, flavorful, and simple to prepare. It won’t take long for it to settle into your recipe box permanently.

What Exactly Is Bread Pudding?

Custard and slightly stale bread are used to make the dessert known as bread pudding. Since the no-waste dish is so old, no one is quite sure when or where it first appeared. Because the cooks who created it couldn’t afford to throw any ingredients out, it was known as “poor man’s pudding” in 13th-century England.


  1. Milk, two cups
  2. Vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon
  3. 6 pieces of stale bread that have been split apart
  4. 2 tablespoons of melted unsalted butter
  5. Raisins, 1/2 cup (optional)
  6. White sugar, 1/4 cup
  7. 4 big, beaten eggs
  8. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder

Most suitable bread for bread pudding

A loaf of bread that would otherwise go to waste and is just a little stale makes the finest bread pudding. Of course, some bread goes with bread pudding better than others. Choose a thick, durable loaf that can withstand heavy custard without crumbling. French bread, sourdough bread, challah, and brioche are all excellent options. Basically, bread pudding may be made with any loaf of bread that would be suitable for French toast.

Most suitable bread for bread pudding

How to Prepare Bread Pudding

The complete, step-by-step recipe can be found below, but here is a quick rundown of what to expect when making this well-reviewed bread pudding dish:

  1. Bread cubes should be placed in a baking dish, followed by melted butter. If desired, top with raisins.
  2. Combine the remaining ingredients. Over the bread, pour the mixture.
  3. The bread should be baked in a preheated oven until golden brown.

Is Bread Pudding Freezable?

Yes, bread pudding can be frozen for up to three months. If you intend to freeze the bread pudding, it is recommended to bake it in a foil pan. After allowing it to cool, tightly cover the entire object in at least one layer of foil and a layer of storage wrap. In the refrigerator, defrost overnight. Separately freeze any surplus sauce.

Method For Making Bread Pudding

Method. 1

The oven should be preheated to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). then add the bread pieces to a baking dish that is 8 inches square. Bread should be covered in melted butter and raisins.


Method. 2

In a medium mixing basin, stir together the cinnamon, vanilla, milk, sugar, and eggs until well blended. When all of the bread is coated and absorbing the liquid, gently press down with a fork after pouring the mixture over it. After that, bake for about 45 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and bounces back when lightly touched.

Method For Making Bread Pudding

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