I am Using Creatine For the Last 5 Months — Changes That I have seen


Creatine — One of the most researched and most used supplements for natty lifters. According to science creatine is a supplement that can increase muscle size, improve performance in the gym and also help in increasing strength. For this reason, most beginner lifters pick creatine in the first place.

I am also one of those gym rats who bought creatine for faster muscle growth. I have been using it for the last 5months and the changes I have seen are quite unexpected. So before I tell you the result here are some backstories.

Disclaimer: The importance of a balanced diet cannot be overstated. So, rather than seeking supplements here and there, concentrate on your food.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a substance that is naturally found in muscle cells. It aids in the production of energy in muscles, which is beneficial for heavy lifting. Lifters require and utilize the most creatine. If you don’t lift any hefty a$$ weights, there’s no need to take creatine.

Why I started using creatine

Like every other lifter, I began using creatine with the hopes of seeing incredible results. I did some research into what types of creatines are available on the market and which one is the greatest. When to take it, how to take it, and so forth.


How I took creatine

After doing some study, I discovered that there is no optimal timing to take creatine. It can be consumed at any time, with the exception of coffee, which causes dehydration. It can also be eaten in two ways at first: loaded and ordinarily. Instead of doing any creatine loading, I chose to take 5g daily.

Creatine monohydrate is the type of creatine I use (most researched). There is no reason for me to take any other form of creatine; it is the best on the market.


The outcomes are quite surprising XD
In the first place, I expected some crazy changes in my body; inste ad, the only changes I’ve noticed are in my body fat % (though this was primarily due to a calorie deficit), strength, and a little muscle.
I lost a small amount of muscle while on Cut and had about the same, if not more, strength (not sure if it was for creatine).



Nothing, in the end, can take the place of hard labor. You will not see any results until you put in a lot of effort.
And if any of my fellow lifters are considering using creatine after seeing some phony a$$ creatine transformation videos on YouTube or TikTok, I recommend that they first read more about the supplement before taking it. Do not become enthralled by those videos.
Expect minor adjustments and don’t set the bar too high. Also, once you start taking creatine, you will notice a loss in strength and muscle mass if you stop taking it. So prepare yourself.

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