This is the only Miami bar to rank among the World’s 50 Best in 2022

October 20, 2022
Miami bar

After tallying the votes, Café La Trova in Miami is now ranked 21 on The World’s 50 Best Bars list. The list was created by an academy of more than 650 drinks experts, well-known bartenders, consultants, drinks writers, and cocktail gurus who were awarded the best in the world last night. Think of it as the Oscars of the alcohol industry.

Miami bar
Photograph: 52 ChefsCantineros at Café La Trova

Café La Trova, which rose from position 28 in 2021, continues to garner praise as the ideal ode to Cuba’s cantinero style of bartending. The Little Havana favorite made its debut on the World’s 50 Best extended lists in 2020, coming in at number 70. This was an amazing feat in a year when the industry was dealing with the height of COVID. And it was an even greater accomplishment considering that no other bar in Miami

was featured. They also received a Spirited Award in the same year for being the best American Miami bar team.

Julio Cabrera, a renowned master cantinero and co-owner of La Trova attended the big reveal in Barcelona with partner David Martinez and declared. “This one is dedicated to all the Latinos and immigrants working to make their dreams come true.” We especially wish to acknowledge and thank all of our employees and visitors for their ongoing support. Being on Calle Ocho and representing Little Havana makes us proud.

Miami bar

The most recent Best Bars list has entries from 26 locations, including six bars in New York (Double Chicken Please, No. 6, Katana Kitten, No. 9, Attaboy, No. 22, Overstory, No. 34, Dante, No. 36, and Employees Only, No. 47), and Chicago is back with Kumiko for the first time since 2018. (No. 25).

The top slot was taken by Barcelona’s “Paradiso,” breaking a long run of New York and London bars holding the honor. This is the first time ever that the Catalan metropolis has topped the list.

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